About Our Event Cancellation Insurance

We know that a lot of work goes into planning an event. That’s why you need cover against unforeseen events that may result in the cancellation or postponement of your event. Event Insurance protects the investment you made into planning this event, from the performances to the smaller aspects like contract agreements with suppliers, the cost of food and transportation, and other expenses.

Our event insurance cover will protect you against the unforeseen losses due to events being cancelled out of your control. This means you won’t have the financial liability due to unpaid suppliers and other contractual obligations that you may have.

Do I need Event Cancellation Insurance?

Event Insurance is not mandated by law, but it is largely accepted as an industry standard. Beyond that however, Event Insurance ensures that your investment in the event and more importantly your company is expected.

In the UAE, we are exposed to world beating events every year but the work that goes on behind the scenes is done by companies like yours. Ensuring that your large event of the year doesn’t break your bottom line can be cruial to your company.

For more information regarding Event Cancellation Insurance, feel free to get in touch .